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The Poultry Network Live Face-To-Face Conference takes place on the 6th of September.

Eggbase will be exhibiting at The Poultry Network Live Face-to-Face Conference which takes place at Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire on 6 September 2023

It promises to be a top-quality conference and speaker programme. This year’s theme is Building Sector Resilience In The Face Of External Headwinds.

The keynote session this year features Graham Atkinson, Agriculture Director, Noble Foods, Justin Coleman, Agriculture Director, Moy Park and Professor David Hughes, an internationally renowned expert on global food and drink industry issues.

There is an opportunity to learn about the latest issues affecting the broader poultry sector from the British Poultry Council and the British Egg Industry Council.

The panel after lunch will look at health trends, feed pricing and ways to tackle issues on-farm.

Gordon Hickman, Head of Exotic Disease and Surveillance Policy, APHA, who will give an overview on avian influenza ahead of the higher-risk autumn season.

Livetec’s Julian Sparrey will outline the latest biosecurity learnings from the epidemiology report covering outbreaks over last winter.

Boehringer Ingelheim’s Dr Mike Clarke will give a pharmaceutical company’s perspective on the avian influenza ‘vaccination conundrum’.

We look forward to meeting you there.

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