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Carbon Footprint Assessments


A unique egg and poultry carbon footprint tool


The Eggbase Carbon Calculator is the only footprinting tool to accurately measure emissions specific to a single flock. Unlike the many generic calculators, our data capture and emissions factoring process incorporate all currently available information to produce the most comprehensive, most specific and most comparable footprinting service.

This service is available as a low-cost additional module to existing producer or enterprise users of Eggsense software, or as a stand-alone service to new customers.

We are working with poultry companies worldwide to measure, analyse and benchmark their farm emissions. We can conduct baseline studies to support the creation of reduction ambitions and strategies, as well as delivering programs of regular annual or flock-cycle Scope 3 reporting to demonstrate progress towards the long-term goal.


As the global response to climate change gathers momentum, commitments to emissions reduction targets and transparent reporting are becoming increasingly required as an obligation to participate in assured food production supply chains.

Retail and restaurant chains demand that their suppliers demonstrate awareness and progress towards decarbonisation. Many assurance schemes now include regular measurement in their codes of practice, and even banks are now subject to regulation requiring they lend to businesses who demonstrate environmental good practice.

Our carbon calculator is compliant with all of the standards and guidelines issued by the relevant bodies assuring poultry production and the banking sector, including:

IPCC GHG Guidelines

GHG Protocol PAS2050 & used for British Standards Institution PAS2060 carbon neutrality & certification standard

Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)  

Lion Code of Practice (Version 8)

What makes our calculator different?

Consistent boundary, relevant to the timeframe and physical space dedicated to production – compare like with like, time after time

Detailed analysis of feed raw materials; individual deliveries assessed by inclusion and origin

Calculation takes account of industry-specific variations in output, not just quantity

Process-based emissions factors; wherever possible, we avoid the ‘economic final consumption’ method of reporting emissions.

Why don’t we offer a free internet-based calculator?

The methodology and validation of our calculations go hand in hand. By creating an open-access tool, it becomes impossible to verify the information being entered, and as such, the result can no longer be provided. We believe that the accuracy of the details matter, and therefore we only put our name to reports we have conducted ourselves. The service we provide in gathering the data required is as flexible and swift as possible, ensuring costs are kept to a minimum.

Methods of data collection:

Our principle method of data collection is via the integration with our core farm software, Eggsense and Avisense, allowing for full transparency and audit trail.

However, not every farm is an Eggsense or Avisense user, so we have several other methods from web-based document sharing or even MS Excel.

Beyond individual farm footprinting, we can offer the following additional services:

Cohort footprinting – multiple flocks or farms, benchmarking, action plans, progress reporting

Engagement – group meetings, 1:1 guidance

Scenario planning or hypothesis testing including disaggregation, LUC separation

Integration with total farm footprinting; beyond the poultry enterprise


We’ve been verified by the most rigorous and forward-looking authority in emissions reporting; the Engage service provided by the UK Centre for Industrial Sustainability within the Institute for Manufacturing at The University of Cambridge. We’re proud that all of our footprints bear the IfM certification marque.

In addition to IfM, our degree of detailed accuracy has also been acknowledged and approved by leading sustainability verification company, ClimatePartner GmbH.

We are developing and updating our calculations as quickly as new reference data becomes available. Each year, global statistics are amended and issued by authorities such as the UK Government’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Global Feed Lifecycle Analysis Institute (GFLI) or Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC).


We are proud to be involved in the largest coalition of trade organisations seeking to demystify, harmonise and co-ordinate the food industry response to climate change. Led by the British Retail Consortium, Climate Action Roadmap brings together leading supermarkets and food service providers, manufacturers, processors and producers, Government and NGOs as well as data service companies like us.

Mag of Ag are one of the most trusted global data platforms, and our mutual approach brings depth of analysis into UK agronomy and crop production, enabling us to further develop the accuracy of our animal feed analysis.


We are as proud of our customers’ progress, success and product launches as they are. We are delighted to play a small role in the big picture of step-by-step decarbonisation of the food industry alongside these leaders and their award-winning products:

Stonegate Farmers  – Respectful Egg

Morrisons/Chippindales – Better for Our Planet Eggs

Duncan Farms – Responsible Free Range Eggs

Belview Eggs – Lidl Ireland’s Climate Supplier of the Year

Fully integrated for easy data collection

The integration of carbon footprint calculations into Eggbase allows for:

  • full transparency and audit trail of carbon footprint figures
  • individual flock or crop carbon footprint
  • carbon footprint benchmarking across all your flocks
  • carbon footprinting across supplier groups of pullet rearers, egg layers or broiler growers
  • assessment of the effect of changes in feed or other aspects of production on the carbon footprint
  • easy remote collection of carbon footprint data by packers, retailers, feed suppliers or breeders
Carbon Footprinting
Eggbase Carbon footprintng

Completely Accessible

The new carbon footprint tool is available:

  • as an additional module to existing producer and enterprise Eggbase clients
  • as a one-off end of flock or crop carbon footprint calculation service by Eggbase

For more information, contact Eggbase today!

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    © 2024 Eggbase. Build : Blacksmith Marketing