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Leaders in Their Fields – New Map of AG and Eggbase Collaboration

Working with Map of AG further increases the accuracy of the poultry-specific carbon footprint tool.

The independently-verified Eggbase carbon footprint tool is specifically developed for poultry and  an integral part of the Eggsense production and data analytics platform. Now, a new partnership is set to increase its accuracy yet further.

Supporting growing interest in emissions mitigation through the onshoring of feed supply, Eggbase are now working with Map of Ag to accurately determine GHG impact figures for home-grown cereals, pulses and oilseeds, as opposed to using UK average values.

By working closely with feed suppliers, Eggbase already uses emissions figures for each individual ration fed to the birds to avoid using the typical generic feed ration values commonplace in non-specific carbon calculators.

Using expertise from Map of Ag for the emissions of home-grown ingredients, Eggbase will be able to provide broiler growers, pullet rearers, and egg producers with an even more accurate and relevant carbon footprint, from which data driven decisions can be made.

Map of Ag

Map of Ag are focused on creating the leading data permissioning platform so farms and industry can find, access, interoperate, re-use and above all control how and where their data is used. The platform will underpin an ecosystem of innovative data-driven solutions – that drive productivity, efficiency, transparency and Net Zero.


Eggbase is the home of the leading egg (Eggsense) and poultry (Avisense) data platforms. The unique Eggbase carbon footprinting tool developed specifically for poultry has been validated by The Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge and ClimatePartnerGmbH. Through robust permissioning, Eggbase facilitates data sharing between supply chain partners enabling clients to analyse, optimise and innovate collaboratively.

More information on the Eggbase carbon footprinting tool can be found here.

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