Benefit from remote access to your feed customers’ data
Take advantage of cloud-based software to remotely gain access to your feed customers’ flock performance data for efficient and cost-effective field support. Benefit from the same logical data collection format across your feed customer group.
Benchmarking becomes easy
Enable peer support with real-time benchmarking of both physical and financial flock data across current and historical flocks of feed customers in your group.
Benchmarking gives you transparency and a deep insight into data across your feed customer group. Use this to inform practice and strategy.
Increase Your Commercial Advantage
Increase your commercial advantage by analysing across your feed customers’ sheds and flocks to influence choice of breed, choice of pullet, choice of feed and choice of management strategy.
Introduce feed customer collaboration in pullet trials, feed trials, medical trials and research projects.
Use our software development skills to customise Eggbase to your specific requirements and request bespoke reports. We have a team of talented and experienced developers at our disposal. We already work on confidentially sensitive projects so you can be assured that we will protect your commercial confidentiality.