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A customised document management system for producer and enterprise users

EggbaseAssure works alongside EggbaseProducer to help prepare for stress-free audits and ensure regulatory compliance by storing all farm documents in one place, for example, all BEIC audits, RSPCA audits, self-audits, OF&G audits and SA audits.

For enterprise users, EggbaseAssure is a customised document management system which enables the sharing of farm documents and forms with the producer users in your group. EggbaseAssure provides centralised, remote, two-way access to audit and compliance documents.

EggbaseAssure Producer


EggbaseAssure works alongside EggbaseProducer to help you prepare for stress-free audits
and stay on top of your regulatory compliance by storing all farm documents in one place,
for example, all BEIC audits RSPCA audits, self-audits, OF&G audits and SA audits.

Data manipulation
Access any Codes of Practice or COSH records that you are required to show during an audit. We will maintain web-links to these documents so they are always there for you.
Remote Access
Store all of your farm documents and forms for audits in one place, allowing you to access them on any device, anytime, anywhere, when the need arises. Storage is divided into categorised folders for ease of access. They allow you to find any document with two button clicks, making document control easy and efficient.
Download any forms you are required to fill in from the web and upload them to your own categorised asset storage folders until you need access to them.
Download and upload
Download any forms that have been uploaded by a third party, for example, your packer, auditor, feed supplier, vet or other advisor, for you to fill in. Once completed, upload them to confidential, categorised, asset storage folders for them to access. Third parties only have access to the categorised asset storage folders that you give permission for them to access.
EggbaseAssure Enterprise Logo


EggbaseAssure is a customised document management system which enables you
to share farm documents with and maintain web links for any producer users in your group.

Uses include all BEIC audits (rearing, laying, breeding, packing station, hatchery, feed mill), RSPCA audits, self-audits, OF&G audits, SA audits and Red Tractor audits, all in permissioned, confidential, categorised storage folders.

online access
Access any online regulatory compliance documents. We will maintain web-links to these documents, so they are always there for you. As well as our standard links, you can specify confidential links you would like us to maintain.
Remote Access
Store documents for audits and user group management in one place, allowing you and your user group to access them on any device, anytime, anywhere, when the need arises. Storage is divided into categorised asset storage folders for ease of access.
Download and Upload
Upload any forms or information to your user group for them to download, complete and upload back to your own confidential, categorised, asset storage folders until you need access to them.
High Visibility
Have visibility of the content of each of your user groups categorised asset storage.

All documents can be uploaded to Eggbase Assure from mobile, tablet or PC, in any format including PDF, Word or Excel. Adobe Scan is a useful app.

  • BEIC Passports
  • Salmonella reports
  • Vet reports, prescriptions, vaccine programmes
  • Water tests
  • Depleted flock documentation
  • Feed tickets & other feed licences/certificates
  • Certificates of Conformity & Registration
  • Invoices
  • Site plans
  • Self-audit reports
  • Policies and procedures
  • Training records

Contact us now for a demonstration

Please contact us to discuss how EggbaseAssure can help you save time and money. We can give you a demonstration of EggbaseAssure, already set up with all the categorised asset storage folders necessary for the BEIC rearing and laying audits with hyperlinks to many codes of practice.


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    © 2025 Eggbase. Build : Blacksmith Marketing