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Eggbase – An Unrivalled Source Of Primary Data For Poultry Businesses

Eggbase is an unrivalled resource, reducing the workload of primary data collection for poultry producers and the full value chain.

We have been harnessing primary data from thousands of poultry farms for almost a decade, giving our users the toolkit to optimise health, performance and efficiency through the analysis of input, environmental and yield statistics. 

With a growing imperative for supply chain transparency and Scope 3 emissions reduction plans, primary data is an essential enabler for many businesses from farm to fork. The more depth to the raw data, the greater the opportunity to derive value from the analysis – such as negating the need for industry averages in carbon calculations or unlocking commercial opportunities through demonstrable cause-and-effect relationships.  

But collecting a wide range of metrics from many locations spread far and wide, even across borders or even continents, is a mammoth task without the right software. No farm is the same, and despite some operating systems offering a one-stop-shop for hardware and software, competition between providers can be an obstacle to viewing the whole picture. 

While cloud-hosted platforms like our Eggsense or Avisense programs provide the technology for secure data sharing and remote access, the permissions necessary to protect the owner and originator of the data are often contended. 

That’s why we remain agnostic and neutral. Technology and the adoption of it will continue to evolve, and we will continue to extend our growing list of integrations to allow our users to see every data feed in one place. Their place, our place, Eggbase – a safe space for primary data.

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