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Egg packing station software


Analyse your data more efficiently to deliver business growth

For packers, Eggbase is a comprehensive client-server software application for the management of producers, egg traceability, farm billing, legislative compliance, quality control and production forecasting in egg packing stations.

It is available in modules which can be customised to your specific requirements, enabling you to control the development direction of the database and ensure a match with your business processes.

Eggbase Packing station software

Access and share data across geographically remote farms
Innovative features include:
  • Management of producers, houses and their flocks.
  • Demonstrate legislative compliance and salmonella testing regimes.
  • Grading predictions and production forecasting bring accuracy to production throughput
  • Help packers to ensure that their producers are Lion Code compliant
  • Help non-Lion Code producers to become compliant
  • Import data from grading machines – both digital and print-only graders.
  • Trace incoming egg and off-grader egg.
  • Analyse ungraded stock and grading results including graded second types
  • Prepare, disseminate and financially analyse farm bills
  • Take the time out of preparing farm bills.
  • Predict grading results of ungraded stock and forecast production by egg size over any time period.
  • Benchmark across your producers flocks
  • Automatically upload grading results to a producer’s Eggbase application.
  • Trace and financially analyse the sale and purchase of traded egg.
  • Monitor laboratory quality control.
  • Analyse farm seconds.
  • Monitor the use of plastic trays
Compatibility with all major equipment manufacturers
  • Eggbase is already synchronizing data from new (e.g. Moba Omnia PX) and older Moba, Staalkat and Diamond grading machines for multiple downstream uses
  • We also liaise with other software systems, for example, Ovotrack, to receive grading results from grading machines.
  • Data can be batch imported from older serial or parallel print-only grading machines using our Eggbox converter.
  • Gives visibility of ungraded stock, incomplete gradings, graded egg, farm seconds, traded egg and quality control for traceability
Links with other software
  • Automatic transfer of grading results from a packer’s Eggbase to a producer’s Eggbase for expedient on-farm analysis of graded egg size.
  • Automatic transfer of grading results into a producer’s Eggbase using our Eggbase GLUE app for packers who do not use Eggbase
  • Automatic upload of grading results from a packer’s Eggbase to a packer’s own website for producers who do not subscribe to Eggbase.
  • Integration of laboratory quality data from TSS equipment to a flock’s record in Eggbase for on-going graphical analysis and benchmarking against breed standard e.g. Haugh unit, egg weight, albumen height, yolk colour.
  • Export remittance advice values to accounts packages for payment e.g. Sage, Pegasus Opera, Quickfile, Navision.
  • Create BEIC Ungraded Lion Egg Movement Weekly Sales Summary and Weekly Purchase Summary spreadsheets.
  • Eggbase can seamlessly link to full ERP solutions for customer relationship management, sales order processing, works order processing, financials and logistics. For those packers not large enough to warrant a full ERP system, Eggbase offers an order, deliveries, invoicing and sales reporting module.

Contracted Egg producers software


Rollout Eggbase software to your contracted egg producers and increase your commercial advantage.

We understand the vagaries and time constraints of data collection from geographically remote egg producers. By taking on the set-up and training needs for all those egg producers in your group we will bring them up to speed swiftly so you benefit from the software as quickly as possible.

Enable your contracted producers

Enable your contracted producers to efficiently monitor their flock performance by entering into an Eggbase subscription arrangement with them. Give your contracted producers faster and easier access to key performance indicators by automatically uploading grading results as soon as you have checked them.

Remote Access

Benefit from remote access to your contracted producers’ data

Take advantage of cloud-based software to remotely gain access to your contracted producers’ flock performance data for efficient and cost-effective field support. Benefit from the same logical data collection format across your contracted producer group.


Benchmarking becomes easy

Enable peer support with real-time benchmarking of both physical and financial flock data across current and historical flocks of producers in your group.
Benchmarking gives you transparency and a deep insight into data across your contracted producer group. Use this to inform practice and strategy.

Commercial Advantage

Increase Your Commercial Advantage

Increase your commercial advantage by analysing across your contracted egg producers, sheds and flocks to influence choice of breed, choice of pullet, choice of feed and choice of management strategy.
Introduce producer collaboration in pullet trials, feed trials, medical trials and research projects.

Use our software development skills to customise Eggbase to your specific requirements and request bespoke reports. We have a team of talented and experienced developers at our disposal. We already work on confidentially sensitive projects so you can be assured that we will protect your commercial confidentiality.

Data consultancy

We have worked in partnership with companies who wished to gain a picture of their existing data model before planning their implementation of Eggbase. We cast an independent eye over the information flow in your packing station with a view to increasing efficiency.

Unlock The Power of Data

Harness the Power of Data Today!

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    However, from time to time we would like to send you our newsletter. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick here:


    © 2025 Eggbase. Build : Blacksmith Marketing