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Donald Pig & Poultry Ltd Utilise Detailed Carbon Footprinting

Broiler breeder, Donald Pig & Poultry Ltd, have gained a detailed understanding of their carbon footprint with Eggbase.

Donald Pig & Poultry partnership

Donald Pig & Poultry Ltd., based in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, utilised the unique, egg and poultry-specific carbon footprint tool from Eggbase to get in-depth carbon footprint calculations for their broiler breeder flocks.


Matt Donald of Donald Pig & Poultry Ltd. said, “Anne has given us a good understanding of our carbon emissions per kg of egg over a broiler breeder cycle. We now have a base point from which to work to improve our carbon footprint as we strive towards net zero.”

Discover the Eggbase carbon footprint tool here and see how data can power your poultry business.

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