iHotraco Farm Data collects and organizes all farm data automatically, reliably and securely, using the latest data sharing technology. It provides a complete data set that is centrally stored in a standardized format, easily retrieved for management dashboards.
How big data will change modern farming forever
The reliability and completeness of iHotraco ensures that all data will be stored on the cloud, even with frequent internet interruptions. The system encrypts all data before it is uploaded and stored according to the highest security standards.
Eggsense is the first third-party dashboard to offer its clients a secure, permissioned, seamless link to their iHotraco data set.
Eggbase – proud to be an iHotraco dashboard partner
The seamless integration between the Eggsense dashboard and iHotraco offers easy visualisations of iHotraco controller data for all current and historical flocks and the ability to benchmark and intuitively overlay iHotraco data with any other data in Eggsense itself. Risk, manual data entry and time-consuming analysis are all reduced.
Eggbase is an innovative and independent provider of powerful software and data solutions specifically designed to promote the value of data for improving productivity, animal health, environmental living conditions and sustainability. Delivering compliance, professionalism, accountability, chick and egg traceability, bench-marking, and supportive analysis across multiple remote sites, Eggbase pullet rearer, egg layer and poultry software is designed and operated by specialists to give our clients cutting edge and intuitive data collection and analysis.