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Egg and Poultry Software for Performance, Sustainability and Welfare

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Eggbase is an innovative and independent provider of powerful software and data solutions specifically designed to promote the value of data for improving productivity, animal health, environmental living conditions and an improved economic position for the farms through data monetisation.

Delivering compliance, professionalism, accountability, chick and egg traceability, benchmarking and supportive analysis across multiple remote sites, Eggbase pullet rearer, egg layer and poultry software is designed and operated by specialists to give our clients cutting edge and intuitive data collection and analysis.

Eggbase offers a carbon footprinting assessment tool, integrated into on-the-ground production software; rolled into one for ease of activity data collection and carbon footprinting output. This is unique in the egg and poultry industry. Carbon footprint scenarios help with Net Zero optimisation. In partnership with a leading solutions provider for corporate climate action, we offer cradle to customer plus end-of-life LCA.

Power your
poultry business
with data

Unlock The Power of Data

Using cloud and server based technologies designed by poultry experts, Eggbase is a proven, robust, skilled, well-resourced, trusted, innovative, and independent poultry management software specialist.

Access and share data across geographically remote farms

Access and share data across geographically remote farms

The collection and analysis of flock data on key variables allows pullet rearers, producers, packers, feed suppliers, vets & researchers to record, monitor, aggregate, benchmark and analyse data, on production inputs such as feed, and outputs in terms of egg numbers, egg quality and grades – all in pursuit of maximum performance and financial returns.

  • Visibility of data
  • Ease of access to data
  • Ease of analysis
  • Clarity
  • Intuitive interface
  • Always up to date
  • Flock-specific data
  • Actual performance to breed standard comparison
  • Compare breeds to each other
  • Compare flocks to each other
  • Secure
  • Accessible on any device

Eggbase is adapted for multiple other markets including duck egg layers, quail egg layers and broilers growers – providing invaluable up to date data-based insight and analysis across the entire cycle.

  • Track, analyse, benchmark, collaborate, optimise, evaluate and identify trends with ease
  • Intuitive data management
  • Data rich benchmarking and analysis
  • Whole life flock data from day old to end of lay
  • Graphical representations interpret complex data
  • Customise Eggbase to your specific requirements
  • Deep insight into data to inform practice and strategy

EggbaseIntuitive Data Management

Improve data transparency through monitoring and analysis of all this production data:

  • House and flock placement
  • Genetic lines
  • All or male/female mortality and culls
  • All or male/female body weights and evenness
  • All male/female bird movements
  • Egg collection
  • Grading data
  • Checks and alarms
  • Feed and water consumption
  • Temperature, lighting levels, NH₃, CO₂, humidity, litter and feather scores, red mite
  • On-farm feed and other deliveries
  • Legislative compliance
  • Salmonella testing regime with system prompts to ensure compliance
  • Medical and veterinary interventions with system prompts alerting users to potential issues at an early stage
  • Management programmes
  • Financial margins

Eggbase is an essential poultry farm software tool for knowledge management.

Remote Access

Benefit From Remote Access To Data

Take advantage of cloud-based poultry management software to remotely gain access to flock performance data for efficient and cost-effective field support. Benefit from the same logical data collection format across multiple poultry farm locations. Eggbase is especially useful to large enterprises with geographically remote farms to make large amounts of data easily visible and manageable.


Benchmarking Becomes Easy

Benchmarking gives you transparency and a deep insight into data across multiple poultry farms and flocks. It enables peer support with real-time benchmarking of both physical and financial poultry flock data across current and historical flocks and the software provides data on comparisons of genetic potential.

Commercial Advantage

Increase Your Commercial Advantage

Eggbase software is the tool that will allow you to analyse multiple locations and flocks to influence choice of breed, choice of feed and choice of management strategy. Bespoke reporting maintains your commercial confidentiality and we pride ourselves on working on a one-to-one basis with all our clients.

With Eggbase software you can evaluate the most suitable flock management programmes (e.g. growing, vaccination, housing) from the best performing flock, and introduce collaboration in pullet trials, feed trials, medical trials and research projects. You can use the software to identify performance traits of breeder flock genetic lines and their progeny or collaborate confidentially with primary breeder companies to improve genetic lines.

Eggbase at
a glance

We’ve made it easier to understand how Eggbase can power your poultry business. Download our helpful infographic below and unlock the power of data.


Unlock The Power of Data

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    © 2025 Eggbase. Build : Blacksmith Marketing